How to date a Kazakh? @Sharehoods #LoveTips #Cultures

They say no matter what culture you are coming from, when it comes to a man and a woman, love is the only thing that matters. Is it? The difference of cultures and backgrounds was and will be a huge issue when dating someone international. So here my list of activities one should and shouldn’t perform if one wants to date a Kazakh. The list is not too serious so take it easy.

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Top 5 tips to date a Kazakh girl

  • Once you’ve met a Kazakh girl, don’t expect her to do the first step. You can spend centuries waiting for this to happen and it still won’t happen. Since childhood Kazakh girls are taught that a man should perform an action and do the first step and the longer you wait the less manlike you seem to her.
  • Don’t ask her anything about Borat, at minimum you’ll be considered dull and banal, at maximum you’ll be treated as stupid. You don’t want either.
  • Before you actually reach a Kazakh girl, be prepared to meet a whole set of female and male friends, cousins, sisters and brothers who surround her. Sometimes you can be punched coulple of times, this is how her male friends might ensure that you can protect her.
  • Pay at the restaurant. If you expect a Kazakh girl to pay at the restaurant, then you are looking for the wrong girl. Kazakh girls are usually experienced in all sorts of household activities, so the girl you date most likely cooks really well, can iron your shirts perfectly, and will take care of you better than your mom, but bills aren’t really a thing girls should take care of. Instead, invite her family and friends and make a toi (food party for everyone). Keep calm and drink your piala (cup) of tea.
  • Once you’ve started dating a Kazakh girl, you gotta marry her. And not in a ten years period but in the nearest future. Consider this when approaching this so good looking Central Asian girl who apparently speaks Russian.

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Top 5 tips to date a Kazakh boy

  • Well, you’ll have to try really really hard. Most likely none of his family members or friends will approve his choice. Anything you do is wrong, and don’t expect him to give up on all his connections just for you. Instead make some tea and create a connection with his circles.
  • Tea is important. The way make it is important, the way you offer it is important, who you offer it first is important. The kind of tea you make is important. Tea is you. So take care of it and give the first cup to his dad if you wanna become a good kelin (bride).
  • No matter what you thought about eating horse meat before, it is the best meat on the planet Earth for you now (it is actually very clean and tasty). The sooner you learn how to cook it and make Beshparmak (traditional dish made of dough and horse meat), the more appreciation you’ll receive.
  • No more hanging out in pubs & drinking beer with your male peers, no Kazakh boy will put up with it. Your place now is by his side. Treat him like a mother, love like a woman and respect like a daughter. Forget feminist bullshit.
  • It is serious if he buys you a pair of earrings. Basically it means proposal. Less words, more action, this is Kazakh style.


  1. Sanjar · · Reply

    I am a Qazaq from Qazaqstan and overall this is a good article, especially about the tea and horsemeat! This is absolutely true. However, nowadays Qazaq girls are independent and they pay at the restaurant if they have money and they do their best to have, or at least go dutch. It is not true that you will have to marry her if you date, it used to be so 35-50 years ago, but due to influence of Western civilization they now are becoming more and more casual, and that is very sad I believe. It’s not true that you will be punched to see how well you can protect, only if you hurt a girl, then yes – big time. To be perfectly honest, Qazaq men nowadays do not consider the opinion of those around them when choosing a partner. Decision is done solely by the man, not his friends or relatives. And its not true about earrings, most of the time a Qazaq man will propose with an engagement ring nowadays.

    1. qazaqistan · · Reply


  2. Denise · · Reply

    nice article but well said, Sanjar!

  3. Zhanar Ashikbayeva · · Reply

    Do not agree with this article whatsoever. I am a Kazakh girl and I don’t care if I do the first step, I laugh at Borat and can make a joke if a foreigner asks me about him, the person who dates me doesn’t have to meet “the whole set of my family”, especially being punched by them (that was really funny), I don’t care if we split the bill at the restaurant, and finally marry, seriously?! You can’t write that and say it’s applicable to all Kazakh girls!!! Guys who read this relax, this does not apply to all Kazakh girls. First, of all person who wrote this article clearly did not date enough Kazakh girls to write this crap. Second, need to check your spelling.

    1. Sanjar · · Reply

      You seem like a very nice girl Zhanar) Wanna go on a date?

      1. Zhanar Ashikbayeva · ·

        Sure, why not )). Since you already did the first step. You pay for the restaurant, then we go meet my “whole family”, if they don’t like you, you might get punched. I iron your shirt, cook for you, we don’t talk about borat and then you marry me lol.

      2. date my cock pidoras

    2. Zhanar, this article is written about normal kazakh girls not for the desperate ones, not about the one who is really eager to date with somebody))). Although, agree to disagree regarding the borat thing.

      1. Kazakh girl · ·

        Do not bringing guy to the house the in early stage of relationship and not wanting to get married until you get to know the person, that’s what we call desperate now? Guys, seriously you disappointment me so much.

      2. Totally agree with you!!

    3. Sanjar · · Reply

      Well if you can cook beshbarmaq well, then yes!!
      add me on facebook))
      Sanjar Salawat

      Thank you.
      Michael in Texas USA

      1. Or any KHAZAK woman, i appreciate your imput.

        And for all you male morons, i have 2 daughters. 1 with cancer. Each in their own right is smarter and more brave than most men I know.
        And I am an ex Airborne Army Ranger.

  4. Gulmira · · Reply

    looks a bit cliche and seems that Kazakh girls have only great skills to iron shirts perfectly. nothing is said about their intellect, how interesting they are, etc.

    1. пошла назуй сука

  5. Kazakh girl · · Reply

    This article makes me sad. Just makes Kazakh girls to remember how they are perceived and treated by most of the men. Ironing and cooking machine, not willing to pay for herself and desperate to get married. Author, do you live in the Middle ages? Stop writing bullshit and creating such an unattractive image of our girls. Many of us, well-educated, versatile and obviously able to sustain ourselves, will disagree with you. I actually think you deserve that punch you write about.

    1. You must be from Almaty; well educated, write good English, think for yourself… but you’re a true still Kazah at hear, with no sense of humor and a whole bunch of self-righteousness to keep you alive on the steppe. Poor girl.

      1. нурсултан пидорас

  6. Nureke · · Reply

    You guys better show what people can get from kazakhs. I mean, you can’t just sit and wait that everyone’s gonna love kazakhs :)

  7. Cheloveki, rasslabtes’. Pohoje krome kazakhov nikto eto ne chitaet ) esli chestno stat’ya mne ponravilas’. obraz vospitannoi, nravstvennoi devuwki opisano, i eto horowo. jal’ chto seichas stanovitsya vse bolwe i bolwe isterichek s “feministecheskim” nastroeniem. i takie je kak Zhanar i Kazakh girl rassujdayut odinakovo, s voprosom “a chem my huje muzhchin?”. a vopros-to ne v etom…a v tom… koroche eto na dolgo )

    1. Kazakh girl · · Reply

      Da ya ne govoru, chem my huje mujchin (potomu chto my i ne huje :). Net smysla sporit, chto mujchiny i jenshiny ravny, my ravny nikogda ne budem potomu chto my raznye. No mne ne nravitsya eto otnoshenie, tipa ya mujskogo pola i etogo dostatochno. Horoshee otnoshenie nujno zaslujit. I voobshe esli devica tolko spit i vidit kak by za tebya vyiti, prosto potomu chto ei neimetsya, eto ne znachit, chto ona nravstvennaya i poryadochnaya.

    2. Qazaqtar! Şoşqalardıñ tilinde jazbawıñızdı ötinemin… Basqa elderdiñ azamattarı osını körip qalıp, bizge bir jerin aşıp küledi ğoy. Qïın bolsa da, sözdikke qarap ana tilde jazıñızşı. Raqmet.

      1. I think we all have a right to write either in Kazakh or in Russian, plus, I think if you ask any Kazakh person living abroad about how do they feel about knowing Russian, they would 100% tell you that they are happy as everywhere you can meet Russian-speaking people. In addition, Great Abay was telling Kazakhs that learning Russian is a way to knowledge and development. Just FOI

    3. Soglasna,
      Kstati, nadcxhet ” pay at ghe restaraunt” pravilno dumau. Esli paren ” priglasil” na svidanie , dumau on ujin ili obed doljen bit za ego schet , ne to chto bi deneg net u devushki zaplatit , ili tam na halyavu a to chto eto kakto po gentlemenski shtoli , ne znau kak tam Zhanar ili eshe tam drugim, no mne bilo bi stranno, esli bi menya paren priglasil na svidanie i podelili schet na koi her togda zvat na svidanie??

    4. твлю маму в рот ебал

  8. You can apply these rules to girls with a conservative upbringing however nowadays it’s not the case.
    Regarding the bill it’s correct though I think the first date should be on a guy just as a sign of manners. However when I first went on a date with my European bf we split the bill, which was not a big deal either. Because in Europe people apparently split the bill. So all the kazakh girls out there should take that into account.
    Overall this article might work for some and might not work for others just like many other things that are important in a relationship.

  9. Kazakh girl :) · · Reply

    LOL! I found this article funny and actually enjoyed reading it. Com’on guys, relax, do no take it seriously as the author suggests. Although I personally cannot relate to everything that has been said here, I can see one can have such an experience with a girl/guy from traditional families. So my suggestion to anyone who wants to use the tips, if the girl/guy lives in a big city, speaks good English and has travelled to other countries, burn the tips and approach the way you think would work in any modern society.

  10. Serzhan · · Reply

    Körkiñnen seniñ ainaldim erkem
    Qazaqtiñ saltin saqtagan körkem.

    Qyz sini by Inkär.

    I like this part of dating qazaq guy: “…Tea is important. The way you make it is important, the way you offer it is important, who you offer it first TO is important. The kind of tea you make is important. Tea is YOU…” seems like the author knows the delicacy of national traditions. Whether the author is KZ guy itself or had a pretty much of an experience of dating him.

    And girls, plz dont take it serious. We all know how smart and well-educated you’re, either independent and sociable at the same time, majestically proud and beatiful.

    “…So take care of it and give the first cup to his dad if you wanna become a good kelin (bride)…”

    1. suck dick

  11. Nurikesha · · Reply

    I love besh.Besh,will you marry me lol

  12. As an American Kazakh, I find many of these observations to be true though I think you can simplify the “How to Date a Kazakh Boy” to only one step: cook for him.

    1. Agree, am dating a kazakh guy now. not really long but we hv been together almost one year, we started with less feelings but now we are getting closer and closer and he even told his parents about me like how i cook for him, wash his clothes, clean his room, always stay with him and never attend to any party after we’ve been together. Now his parents already gave him permission that if he wants to live abroad with me, he can. My advice is, girls pls try to be patient and stay quite if u’re dating a kazakh. do not cross the line, we are women, we hv to learn to be patient and always support him.And also pretend like his mum sometimes and respect him. It is the same goes to us, sometimes he just pretend like my dad, no matter what happened he is always there for me and support me and we also give each other some own space even though we r living together.
      Am just giving my opinion))

  13. Nothing is said about the degree of depravity of kazakh girls and how they are wild behind closed doors )

  14. Not Kazakh Girl · · Reply

    As someone who is not kazakh dating a kazakh man I can confirm that all of the points in the article relating men are 100% true :)

  15. This article is very narrow minded and pretty basic. Perhabs, it applies to very particular regions of Kz, but definitely not most of it. Isn’t written correctly grammar-wise too. Re some comments on men complaining about growing feminism, what did you expect? Feminism wouldn’t exist if not for Chauvinism and Sexism. So blame these people first, because they are the real reason.

  16. Ерунда какая. Опять таки казахский выпендреж с попытками выставиться ангелочками. Всю жизнь за себя в барах платила намеренно, ибо не хер потом чтобы ходили везде упоминали что приглашал напоил и накормил. Что за бред на счет набиваловки рожи! У нас суверенная страна, где каждая образованная девушка сама решает с кем встречать. Главное чтобы перед родителями и родственниками не позорилась.

  17. That’s nice! :)
    Thanks, made my day :)

  18. Why Kazakhs can’t just laugh at something? We always should argue and try to prove our own rightness… I guess this article was written just for fun: so take it easy)

  19. Natalia O'Brien · · Reply

    I am from Chicago. I can relate to this article regarding dating a Kazak man.
    I have dated a Kazak man but he broke up with me because his parents saw my photo and dislike me because am not a Kazak girl.
    How fucken racist, stupid and shallow is that? My advice to all girls out there, don’t waste your time dating a Kazak man if you’re not Kazak. It’s not worth your time and trouble.

    1. Sanjar Salawat · · Reply

      Hey I apologise for Kazaks like that. In our country we have idiots who will obey the parents’ opinion about who to marry. But not all Kazak men are shitty like him. I am Kazak, I love my country, language and my culture is holy for me, but I will marry a girl from any nationality and ethnicity. And my parents will respect my choice, because they are not idiots. I feel ashamed that people like your ex live in my country…

      1. Natalia O'Brien · ·

        I have friends too, even Muslims, who had their hearts broken because their ex-boyfriends *Kazak men* left them for a Kazak girl and because their parents dont like them. This happened many times and I’ve witnessed it!
        It is very sad that people can judge others for the colour of their skin, not for their personality and character. I loved my ex, but he is now with a young Kazak girl.
        I swear I will never ever date another Kazak man.

    2. Hey, Natalia

    3. Ruslan KZ NY · · Reply

      Natalia it depends on how concervative a guy is. I guess your ex was from West or East KZ. You cant judge entire nation

    4. Absolutely! The moment I saw “Dating a Kazakh guy” in the article I nearly died laughing. Sorry you have to go through that; they really are pathetic dog-people, aren’t they?

    5. HappyKazakhGirl · · Reply

      I feel really bad for you. However, I don’t understand your logic. You wrote: “It is very sad that people can judge others for the colour of their skin, not for their personality and character. ” and then “I swear I will never ever date another Kazak man.” Isn’t it a contradiction here? Do you really think all Kazakh men are that bad? Don’t you have assholes in your country? I am pretty sure you do and at the same time I am absolutely positive you met a lot of nice guys out there as well. So, what makes you think that Kazakhstan is different from your country in this matter?Do you really think that all men from Kazakhstan are bad? Have you talked to every Kazakh man? I bet no. If a man really likes you, no matter what his nationality is, no matter what his parents or friends say he will do anything to be with you. The trick with the photo and parents was probably done to break up with you. I am really sorry it happened to you but you are not the only heartbroken person in the world. You should remember that there is no bad nationality. Even though you wrote that people shouldn’t be judged for their skin colour you literally judged and insulted all kazakh guys just because some dude dumped you. I hope you’ve already met or will meet your soulmate soon. No hate : )

  20. Саке · · Reply

    Well it is true to some degree, in particular if you date a girl/guy from a conservative family. It is applicable if the guy/girl was from the western or southern Kazakhstan. Now, lets be honest how many people are conservative now days in KZ everyone is trying to replicate western lifestyle.

  21. Сиськи сиськами, а Беш говить уметь нужно! :)

    1. Sanjar · · Reply

      Qazaqtar qazaqşa söyleu bastamasa, eşqanday beşparmaq kerek emes…

  22. Ruslan KZ NY · · Reply

    This article is written for fun. How fucking stupid some people who leaved agressive comments here;)

    1. I totally agree with you, Ruslan ! People, please take it easy and just relax )))

      1. I you haven’t noticed, Kazakhs have absolutely no sense of humor about their glorious nation. The people who need a sense of humor the most are Kazakhs. Grow up, you dumb country.

  23. Aizhan Zh · · Reply

    Lol! I like this article – author has sense of humor! Not taking seriously at all.
    By the way, author is right about Borat )).
    And “Tea is you” – made my day.
    “Kelin”-(daughter-in-law), not bride
    Earring thing – it is old beatiful tradition which even nowadays still in fashion. What I love about Kazakhs – we still keep to our old traditions and customs, but at the same time, we are open to accept everything new and adjust to new society development, accept and continue in our “kazakh” way.
    In general, everyone has own perception of things, thank you for sharing your thoughts, author!
    Was lovely to read comments! Have a good day all!

    1. I don’t know what Kazakhstan you’re living in; this is the most closed minded culture I’ve ever encountered. “we are open to accept everything new and adjust to new society development”??? What are you smoking? Please can I have some because it must be a really powerful drug.

  24. stupid thing

  25. Lublu beshparmak · · Reply

    Прикол, Автор пиши продолжение :))

    Dear Author, please do not stop writing. Make part 2: How to date a divorced kazakh girl, and dovorced kazakh guy :))) or How to break up with a kazakh girl/boy, or how to make love with a kazakh girl/boy :))))))))))))))))
    it may be very entertaining articles…

  26. nothing XD · · Reply

    I loved reading the comments! Omgosh, XD Ahhahaha, so funny and so sad.

    Yeah you guys should take it easy when commenting, it will make your life easier.

    And Author? Stop being so racist and sexist, please?
    (if that was used for humor, write “ps I’m joking!” or something, so many poor people got offended, now you wouldn’t want that, right?)

    Overall advice for people dating other people!

    1. Respect them and their culture, if you can’t do that, LEAVE

    2. Be polite and have manners! If you(boy or girl) asked a person on a mutually informed date(both parties know it is a date with romantic intent, not going out for lunch or something), then it would be nice if you payed the bill. Your initiative – your pay. (if the pay turns into a huge issue then split it…no biggie…) Just be a nice person to everyone, including your date.

    3. If you want to date the person, make the move. Boy, Girl, LGBT, Alien, Tree, whatever you consider yourself doesn’t matter. IF you WANT it, YOU make the move.

    4. Family and/or friends are important for you and your loved one, respect their opinion but don’t blindly follow it if you feel that they are wrong. And don’t go hating on your date for their loved ones, he/she was your choice and you accept the consequences.

    5. Don’t expect dating to be a fatal storm with arguments every second, and don’t expect to be carefree! You guys are a couple with couple problems!

    6. If you are giving up too much of yourself for this person, rethink why are you with this person? The person is supposed to love you for who you are, not a modified version of you. Dating is combined work with relatively equal labor shares. If you think you need to leave, LEAVE. (but for like minor things like toilet seat, clothes on the ground, trash, hygiene can be compromised on. But if you have to change your WHOLE lifestyle (like going from messy to extreme OCD clean and you fight over that all the time), I would reconsider if you guys are compatible to actually live with each other…unless ofc you are willing to make that sacrifice. All comes down to what you want)

    7. Communicate. Talking about the hard stuff, your fears, where you are in the relationship, what you want from it, how fast/slow is it going, your feelings and so on is crucial. No one wants to be left hanging and left behind.

    8. Don’t get stuck in an unhappy relationship. Listen to your gut and don’t be afraid to leave. However, when times get tough, don’t run away from problems, because human relationships are not perfect at all. You can pull through if both of you want to.


    Yours truly,
    nothing XD

  27. dydbunnies · · Reply

    Oh god Kazakh men are so awful, why do they even still exist

    (jk, but seriously.)

  28. Saule · · Reply

    people, this should be funny not sad…have some self irony or humour, gosh!…this is very entertaining!!! thanks for the article !

  29. All I can say is I really want to date and to love a kazahkz woman…hoping

  30. Я казашка, но я не считаю, что это то, чем можно гордиться. Можно гордиться, допустим, какими-то своими достижениями или открытиями в области культуры, науки, литературы. Не понимаю, как можно гордиться тем, что вышло, можно сказать случайно? Выбирать нацию или Родину никому еще не приходилось.
    Я казашка, но я не считаю, что хранить девственность до свадьбы – такая нереальная ценность. Это всего лишь физиология. Это Ваша жизнь, ребят. Хотите заниматься сексом – занимайтесь! Нравится курить? Курите! Выпиваете, но пытаетесь это скрыть? От кого и зачем?
    Я казашка, родилась и всю жизнь прожила в Казахстане, но всегда считала себя абсолютно чужим человеком в этих краях.
    Я казашка, но я не считаю своей обязанностью ходить и разливать чай всем гостям и ждать “ценных” от своей свекрови.
    Я казашка, но я не верю в Бога или как вы называете его, Аллаха. Да, не верю. И в мечети я никогда не была. Слава Богу, родители никогда не настаивали и не давили на меня. Говорили: “вера и религия – понятия разные, но все же это личное дело каждого. К кому-то приходит раньше, к кому-то позже. Главное, быть хорошим человеком и творить добро (бескорыстно!) по отношению к людям”.
    Я казашка, но я не считаю, что всю работу по дому должна выполнять одна женщина. Можно как-то вместе разделять обязанности по дому. Вот мой отец готовит в нашей семье, и готовит очень вкусно, сам гладит свои рубашки и для него не будет позором, если он нальет своей любимой жене (мамочке) чай. Он сделает это с удовольствием, с любовью.
    Я казашка и у меня есть молодой человек (слава Богу, не казахской национальности). Казах меня бы просто не понял. А мы с этим молодым человеком отлично друг друга понимаем, то есть “пропасти” между нами нет (в культурном плане).
    Я казашка, но я поддерживаю движение FEMEN и лично общалась с основателями этого движения.
    Я казашка и мое мнение останется неизменным. Говно из вас польется сейчас, но мне все равно ;) Всем мир.

    1. “Ценных указаний”. Пардон, забыла дописать.

    2. Я пью алкоголь, часто курю травку. Я не считаю себя мусульманином, потому что я настоящий Казак и верю в Тенгри. В моей семье тоже мужчины часто готовят, и намного вкуснее чем женщины. Я считаю что свекровь не имеет права лезть к снохе и я сам всегда буду защищать жену от своей матери, я горжусь этим. Я с детства глажу свои рубашки и регулярно мою полы дома, посуду мою редко))) Я из Актобе.
      Но … девственность для меня это святое. Я ни за что не женюсь на девушке у которой кто-то был до меня. Потому что я человек. Дело не в религии, дело не в национальности. В каждой стране есть люди которые следуют этому принципу. И в США, и в Голландии, и в Италии, и в России и в Казакстане. Мне просто западло женится на той у которой кто-то был до меня.

    3. Aida, polnostyu podderjivayu vse chto vy napisali! Kajdoe predlojenie – eto moi mysli!=) Rada, chto vstretili takogo parnya kotorii vas ponimaet))) Mne poka vstrechalis tolko “zamorochennie”.

    4. HappyKazakhGirl · · Reply

      Там хорошо, где нас нет.

  31. Девушки, давайте знакомиться! Мой Whatsapp is +77773001000 ;)

    1. братан салам, номер продашь?)))

  32. I have fucked some kazakh girls. I would like to say that they were pretty horny than I expected. I would say they have good sex abilities than german girls. As I know they prefer to date men with european appearance (blond, blue eyes and etc.). I would like to fuck again kazakh girls when I will be back again to Kazakhstan. Miss you kazakh girls…

    1. Shultz, come back to Kazakhstan, I will fuck you bitch. You will be slave in the farm, bastard. Just show me your face or give me your facebook page.

      1. Don’t be pissed, Kazakh Boy, that you have a small dick and are a pathetic excuse of a human being. How about this, how about YOU go find Schultz and fuck him up? Oh wait-you’re Kazakh; your passport is ranked 64th in the world for travel freedom. Good luck getting a visa, you retarded fag. 64th in the world… that’s tied with Columbia! So that means the rest of the civilized world has about as high an opinion of Kazakh idiots like you as they do a greasy cocaine smuggler from South America…! Interesting.

        No, I’m afraid Western guys like us will keep stealing your beautiful, lovely women because the alternative (Kazakh men) is so horrible and awful, why wouldn’t a KZ woman want get some real cock into her aching, fertile cunt?

        Go back to fucking your sheep, Azamat.

  33. I was with a kazakh man,It was wonderful at first ,even talked marriage,but later he showed his true colors,broke up with me,broke my heart so many times,asking me for another chance,which I always gave it to him.later the coward left for his country ,he already had a girlfriend there,so why play with me.disgusting pig,he even lied that he was an orphan.i still get depressed.I was new to the US,just shifted from my Asian country,with a green card,wasn’t prepared for such a monster but good I didn’t marry him,would be obvious if he married me, it would be for a green card.
    may Allah/God never grant him happiness.even his friend still lies that he doesn’t have a girlfriend.and even though another kazakh man asked me out,I said no because of all this,even though he seems like a good guy,but I don’t know.
    I will stay away..they are selfish enough to love only kazakh girls.
    I know I will get hate for this comment,but I am still broken and depressed because of him.

    1. Cowards are there among all men, and really does not matter if he is kazakh or not. I’m sorry for your sad story of a relationship with that guy, however it is very silly to judge the whole nation on one men you’ve met.

      1. Kazakh men are the worst excuse for humans one can ever encounter. They should all be destroyed and their beautiful women repatriated to the West. They have small penis’ and no balls. They’re self-important assholes who swagger yet have no swag to back it up. All talk and no action. They’re dickless morons; all of them! No really, go to Kazakhstan and try and find a man who isn’t a dickless moron! I’ll bet you 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000000,000,0,00,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,099-090-,-./0o.ko0.-O_I)(U*)_*U()*U)(_U*()_IU) TENGE that you can’t! :) Seriously, You cannot find 1. And if you can, he’s probably not in Kazakhstan! HAhahhahhaha-oh sorry. Wasn’t exactly funny, was it? But it is, it’s so funny what awful human beings those shit bags really are. Enjoy!

  34. So silly. First of all, why would anyone even CONSIDER dating a Kazakh male? They’re the taint of humanity; that’s why they have to kidnap women and force them to marry them, because if they asked, obviously the answer would be “NIET!” Second, fuck tea; if you want to respect the culture, totally disrespect everybody, don’t listen to anyone, be a stubborn asshole, grab the girl by the hair and drag her back to your yurt and force her to make an alcoholic drink with your urine… only THEN, will you be a truly respected Kazakh!

    Remember, never respect the person; always respect the culture otherwise you’ll be seen as a homosexual who is there to steal their women and taint their glorious history with the afterbirth of your worthless free-birth offspring.

    Seriously, fuck this country. Why have people been fighting for generations over this pathetic shitscape? I took one look at this place and said “You can have it!” and yet here I am, damned because I married the woman I love who jUST SO HAPPNED to be from the most fucking awful place/culture in this part of the super-cluster.

    So take your bish-bar-barf, your breads, your teas (FROM INDIA), your disgusting flavorless nutritional-suppliment you call “the best food in the world”, your relentlessly pathetic and irrelevant culture, your corruption, your broken excuse of an infrastructure, your irrelevant beliefs, your ignorant shamans, ignorant doctors, dog-police, dogs, dog people, diskless-wonders of an excuse for men (but export all your lovely women) and shove it all up your poor wife’s cunt, throw her on the steppe and watch her die slowly from TSS and endless commands of “Tor! Tor!” while grinding your buddies throat with a broken vodka bottle, all the while laughing and screaming “FOR RESPCT! FOR RESPECT!”

    Kazakhstan is a pathetic imitation of Russian culture, forgotten bits and pieces of Arabic and Islam, genetically infused with Gengis Khan’s blood (but all of that has been tainted with too much Western Chinese), and lastly glazed on top with a sad remembrance of what used to be something similar to Turkish culture but has now become nothing. It’s a lot of different colors which added together make the shit-brown color that is your GLORIOUS, SHOWFUL, and sadly fucked-to-death-burning-pile-of Kazakhstan.

    Never go there. And especially don’t marry anyone from there; let them burn.

    1. I’m so curious, why are so negative about Kazakhstan?

      1. Same question. Why is this guy saying such words about all nation. I guess he had a bad experience in or about Kazakhstan. I`m sorry for that. But if you had such an experience, just make your own conclusions and keep them in mind. I`m sure there are a lot of foreign people who had good experiences and memories about Kazakhstan.

    2. Listen to me, and listen very carefully. “NIET” is a Russian words and it means “NO”. In Kazakstan we have Kazak/Qazaq language. In Kazak language “NO” is “JOQ”. Such mistakes only illustrate your ignorance. If you insult a whole country, at least learn some basic facts about them lol

  35. Zhanar · · Reply

    Like it!!1

  36. I have been dating a Kazakh girl for the past 1.5 years. She is the nicest, most feminine girl I have ever met. American or other western women cannot begin to compare to her. I doubt that she represents ALL kazakh women but she is a great representative of them. They say that once you date a Kazakh girl, you will never be able to date an American girl again; and that couldn’t be more true. Western women are great to bang, but when you’re ready to settle down and seriously date a girl, Kazakh girls are among the very best.

    1. 🌞

    2. HappyKazakhGirl · · Reply

      That’s so cute! I hope you are still together. Wish you all the best!

  37. Who would’ve known? A Taiwanese meeting a Kazakh girl in Germany. Sadly she decided to go back to her ex, who is a Kazakh. Still I liked her a lot. She’s from Almaty and she doesn’t really fit the profile described here (e.g. never let me pay for her). She appears to be very stubborn and tough, yet inside lives a very caring girl. Only if you are able to earn it, that is. I became very interested in Kazakhstan because of her. I know every person is different, but I really hope I get to meet another Kazakh woman in the future.

    1. Good luck to you! ! There are many of kazakh ladies in the world you could meet in your future !

  38. I visited several towns in Kazakhstan this past summer. I found people to be extremely polite, courteous and very interested to meet a foreigner, (I’m English, but live in Bulgaria). I met a beautiful Kazakh lady in Aktobe, and all I can say is that she certainly made an extremely positive impression on me. So much so, that I plan to return there in April. And yes, I did make the first move.:-) Now I need to learn Kazakh & Russian, although she speaks some English.

  39. What about if i dont eat horse meat and i am dating one of the women?

    1. HappyKazakhGirl · · Reply

      No worries. Don’t think about Kazakh people as of some savages. I never expect an international person to eat horse meat and never offer them unless they ask. Most Kazakh people follow this kind of logic. However, please show your respect towards our country and don’t put on a disgusted look if you see someone eating horse meat. That’s our culture and our history. Same, of course, goes for Kazakh people when it comes to pork. However, there are plenty of mambets* (not intelligent, dumb people) out there.

      1. Bollen Balizi Kachaka · ·

        I do respect them and i love them . Thanx for yiur advice nd i am christian. Good advice. From Bollen

      2. Bollen Balizi Kachaka · ·

        Hi there! I am really love kazakh women. We about to be married this year 2016. I need to know their culture fight and traditional way of life. What should i expect from them? Are they going to treat me well or adapt to my african culture? Language difference matter the most. I need your advice. From Bollen

  40. Wilson K · · Reply

    Hello everybody! I did read all yours comments about this article and could understand how intellectual are the Kazakhs woman. I have a Kazakh woman friend and she´s really smart and very kind. I would like to meet are one day but I don´t know where to start, how to treat her, what to do… What do you advise me to do? Is there a special thing I can to show her how much she is important and special to me? HELP!!!

    1. Fuck you bastard

    2. yea one thing you can do is to fuck yourself up it is best thing buddy

  41. You made me laugh about tea traditions and toi. I’m Kazakh girl, live here and most part of said above is old dated information. Kazakh youth is changing being under influence of European culture. So new Kazakh generation left a part of its true traditional views, but not performing a real European features. They are somewhere in the middle of Oriental and western culture.

    1. Bollen Balizi Kachaka · · Reply

      Always kazakh eomen are lovely and beautiful. Good behaviour and i am really love them. They are special in my opion. Keep up and you deserve it.

      1. fuck you bastard dont care about your opinion bitch

  42. […] на одном из зарубежных сайтов опубликованы советы, как познакомиться с […]

  43. I’ve met a few kazakh women at my university, and they are all wonderful in their own way.
    Problem is, the one that I’m chasing after is confusing me.
    She behaves like she is interested and not interested at the same time.
    Is this a personality thing or is it part of the culture?

    1. Sweetha · · Reply

      Kazakhstan woman r very cheap ..they want money and men ..just go there show dem ur un married certificate and they run on toes to marry him …wit out knowing his character

      1. i shall fuck you up bastard your mum is a slut whore prostitute bitch

    2. come to my house and I will kick tour ass mother fucker

    3. it is good that they are disgusted bu even a sught of you I am so happy of That! thank Allah!

  44. mother fucker if you ever touch any Kazakh sisters I will rip your ass I will fuck you up bastard do nt come close to them motherfucker or I will kill your mother

  45. author where do you live bastard? any time I am ready with my bat and knife

  46. пидораз автор мать твою ебал покажись крыса охуевшая где ты шалава ебаная? мать твоя шалава !

    1. Stanley Lee · · Reply

      Wait… i hope you are not replying to my comment.. are you?

  47. But I found one Kazakh girl who is promiscuous at my witness. She dated many European BF, where she still had Kazakh BF in her country.

  48. I’m a Kazakh girl… who lives in America, currently, and I’m independent as heck. Lol I’m insulted by borat though. And all these comments sheesh people chill.

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